Personal Growth through Online Education

‘Aham Brahmasmi!’ I am.
Personal growth starts with ‘I’ and I could not think of about anything else other than the aforesaid mantra or spell words which are simple yet supremely powerful. "Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe". That’s all, know yourself and you will know the universe. Begin the journey of knowing the universe with the help of internet and wonders of artificial intelligence.
If self becomes important the growth is certain. The world is a place where if one learns in all and any way and uses its learnings as needed and necessary the psyche sets on verge of self establishment. As rightly stated and said by William Shakespeare in his play ‘As You Like It’- (Act II Scene VII) that “All the world’s a stage”. Similarly when it comes to personal growth educating oneself by hook or crook is the only option left. And with that thought in the digital world the internet with artificial intelligence as a cherry on top acts as a recourse laying down opportunities. Personal growth is a plant which if one takes care by proper watering, proportionate fertilizer, adequate sunlight etc. it gives its results of growth. In the school of personal growth the main propel lies within the person who wants growth and Bingo! the internet drives them on the way and it also educates for finding way for personal growth. One has the freedom to choose on what he/ she/it wants to upgrade on.
With artificial intelligence and its applications growing in worldly affairs it is really a risky thing to not upgrade oneself. To be ahead is what one should aim off but if not at least to be in limine is what one should expect from self. Starting from health, career, finance, family retirement etc all the things can be learnt of. Keeping oneself informed and aware about the essential needs, weaknesses and strength helps the individual and person in being one step ahead in the competitive world. For example landing a job in the battle of securing a position and earnings, the route and procedure of finding the same is way different from the basic online internet search and research. A thorough systematic study even after being online is necessary. And after doing so you get to learn many things that even after being paltry add on to your personal growth.
As and according to law of attraction it is necessary to repeat things and do the homework. Likewise law of attraction being one of the component of personal growth demands the things learned to put to use or act without which the growth is impossible. Internet showers vast information from majority areas and it provides enough information which a common man’s brain can hold on to. With that it obviously provides the technicalities of the area or subject one chooses to study and make use of it. As we are evident of one such example which is online education and this present competition. To be able to complete the higher education by respecting the personal lives, time, money etc. it is a blessing to have online learning facilities and internet. Secondly, to make a living using an internet is another boon for many. All this adds on to one’s personal growth. From the era where illiterate people were astonished to see and experience a telephone or mobiles etc, now they are using it even after being unable to read and write. That is how the online information helps the public. With the cybernetic organism in the stage of developing it is pushing human brains to think out of the box and challenge, explore the human capabilities and capacities. This act again adds on to the personal growth of the founders and makers and in return helps many.
Talking about the individual growth the technology is almost on the verge of replacing humans when it comes to work. With the growth of artificial intelligence in work areas individuals are able to chalk out the schedule and balance the work and personal lives. The concept of personal growth is allowing many to learn variety of subjects from different areas of their interests. The online facility is allowing many to involve in applications wherein they get the tailored information as per the preferences and inputs which further enhances and engages the individuals for using the upgraded versions for better outcome. Moreover with the help of online education many are able to utilize and infuse the time and information wisely as per their needs and bring out wonders which again help the society at large.
It is said that art is magical but there is no magic and hence with the scope of improvement with the self the journey continues. The online learning thing is like a ‘Jaadui Pitaara’ (a surprise magic box) which on trial and error always gives out something though negative or positive but it no doubts massively helps and adds on to the personal growth.
- Preeyanka Kaviskar (MBA)